A New Kent Winery – Vineyard Estate Engagement Session

Hollie and Brandon were my first couple of the 2019 year to brave the cold, wet, dreary weather we have been having in Virginia recently. When I first “met” Hollie and Brandon over Facetime, I knew we would have a great time during their engagement session. Brandon is a big fan of corny jokes and had us laughing the entire time!

One of my 2019 goals is to shoot more film, so I set out to shoot one roll of film during Hollie and Brandon’s engagement session. I am so incredibly proud to say that all 36 images came back and I absolutely love them all! Film is the bees knees y’all! Often times, I get asked, “why film” and I’m actually going to be writing a blog post on this as I work to transition most of my portfolio to film. Until then, here are a few of my favorite images from Hollie and Brandon’s engagement session. (Yes, film is included).


In the spirit of this gorgeous and fun engagement session at New Kent Winery, I’ll leave you with this… What did the grape do when he got stepped on? He let out a little wine 🙂


Hollie & Brandon | Engaged


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2019 Nicole Colwell Photography

Available Worldwide 2019 Nicole Colwell Photography